Divine Healing2018-10-19T17:51:21+00:00

I offer a number of different Soul Realignment sessions,

I use the same healing process in all of them:

Divine Healing: Master Key To Ascension

*I have completed training in levels 1-5, and also

the Advanced Level.

This channelled method of healing is based on the spiritual law

“ask and you shall receive”.

It is a powerful and advanced technique that works with your higher self, therefore without judgement or interference from the ego.

It offers permanent and quick solutions to problems that you may be currently facing in your life. It works directly with divine intelligence to facilitate healing and helps bring you back to full re-connection.

It removes density from your system and raises your light cells and vibration. This then supports you in becoming your own master self where you can embody more of who you truly are.

This type of healing is a powerful and alchemical process.

It involves having the intent to heal, identifying with the issues, asking for healing and opening up to receive the healing with gratitude and grace, and then allowing the integration and the shifts to occur.

It enables many aspects of your consciousness to heal, and be transformed permanently and effectively. These changes take place instantaneously.

NB. This particular method of healing is not hands on healing, or a laying of hands near the body, or symbol use as used in Reiki.

I use hundreds of channelled charts to guide the session. I use my channel and help facilitate the session. Your higher self and healing team merge with mine, and together they guide the session. Your higher self knows exactly what is needed and what is right for you. The healing team create the changes and do the work.

As it is a Multi-Dimensional tool, it clears many layers that are imbalanced, any current programs that you may have running, or any other changes that need to be made within the matrix.

Here are some of the areas:

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Divine Healing Master Key is a catalystic tool that can help you heal the layers of separation, if used regularly it can also reveal more of your purpose.

 Increasing your light body will accelerate your ascension process.

A Divine Healing session will transform your:






Connection With Self




…and more

I offer full Ascension Healing sessions 60-90 minutes

& also shorter tailored sessions 30-45 mins (see below)

Tailored Divine Healing Sessions


It is said that our birth reflects the way we live our life, and how we tend to start things. According to shamanic traditions, up to 1/3rd of our energy is determined by the time in the womb and our birth experience.

Hence the necessity to heal all birth trauma and negative experiences around birth.

We often prepare and plan for the birth that we would like, but this often doesn’t happen.

For whatever reason your needs may not have been met at that time. Which may have left you feeling abandoned, resentful, angry, depressed and even traumatised.

In some instances these traumas can contribute to a women developing Post Natal Depression.

I have personally used Divine Healing to help heal the trauma around both of my daughters birth’s, as many of my needs were not met.

*This session can relate to your own birth, or trauma experienced during your pregnancy/labour when having your own children.

**You can also heal any ancestral patterns/programmes that you may have around pregnancy/birth. Which in effect will heal all future generations too.

 As a mother of 2 girls I am happy and relieved that my daughters won’t take on these programmes.


It has been well documented that dis-ease starts in the subtle bodies, if it is left unattended over time it eventually manifests itself in the physical body.

Your thoughts,beliefs and programmes create the reality that you see around you. You can help to heal  the disease by getting to the root cause of what initially caused it in the first instance.

Clearing blocks, discordant energies, ancestral programmes and imprints can help bring your body back to balance.

Divine healing can also help stabilise your bodies chemistry, physiology, DNA and clear any addictions, allergies or toxins that you may have.

Thus bringing you back into full health and vitality.

*Serious dis-ease’s (illness’s you have had for a very long time):  may take more than 1 session to clear

Ageing & Youth Optimisation

Perhaps the ageing process is causing you distress? Most of us have cultural, and social expectations and beliefs around getting old.

All of these can all really impact your life in a negative way.

A divine healing session can help to eliminate any blocks or programming that you may have around any issues related to ageing.

Maybe your health is contributing in some way?

Stress, dehydration or toxicity or even just your lifestyle?

Why not repair your DNA, or encode a new youth, vitality & longevity programme. Or how about having your skin rejuvenated?

What you believe you become”

 …You can look and feel youthful!

Weight, hunger & food

Our self esteem and self love can be greatly affected by our appearance.

How would it feel to remove all the blocks and programming that you have picked up from childhood and perhaps from the close people around you relating to food?

Most of these will be subconscious.

You may have taken vows/contracts/oaths in previous lifetimes which are no longer serving you in this lifetime.

Imagine finally letting go and healing the emotional causes that have contributed (and continue to contribute) to your weight problem.

Imagine releasing all addictions and negative behaviours that you may have around food.

Your health may possibly be suffering due to your weight (over or under weight) you may need to rebalance your nutrition,hormones, hydration or release toxins from your body.

Divine Healing can rebalance your bodies physiology and chemistry.

Divine Healing can help you to easily and effortlessly regain the correct

body weight that’s right and healthy for you.

Shock, Accident & Trauma

Have you experienced a shock, accident or trauma of any kind?

This may have happened recently, or in your past?

Trauma can get locked into the body, blocking your vital life force energy.

Parts of your soul can fragment off during this time.

A trauma, shock & release session will help you heal from any related trauma,

releasing everything related to the specific event so that your able

 to free up your life force.

Your mind, body and soul will be brought back into full alignment.

If you have any questions regarding any of the above sessions or if your not sure which session to have first then please drop me an email here or message me on Facebook.